Freddie was born at Te Awakairangi on 13 January 2020. I chose the birthing centre as I had birthed at Hutt Hospital in 2017 and vowed never to go back again.
Te Awakairangi gave me a sense of ease, I felt relaxed, supported and so well looked after.
We got to instantly bond with our gorgeous boy with no interruptions.
I had to share a room at Hutt hospital with another woman who had constant visitors all night (my husband was asked to leave though) the bathroom in another room was out of order so we had 4 women sharing 1 bathroom and I didn't see a midwife the entire time I was transferred to the ward.
Te Awakairangi gave me a sense of ease, I felt relaxed, supported and so well looked after.
We got to instantly bond with our gorgeous boy with no interruptions.
I had to share a room at Hutt hospital with another woman who had constant visitors all night (my husband was asked to leave though) the bathroom in another room was out of order so we had 4 women sharing 1 bathroom and I didn't see a midwife the entire time I was transferred to the ward.