SO much evidence of the benefits of Birth Centres for all involved |
Evidence Table
Download .pdf file to the right |
For a different take on it from the research.. read this paper on the Economic Implications (ie THE SAVINGS) of Birth Centre and Homebirths
...and then yet more research below!
Primary Birth Centre Feasibility Report 2014 for MidCentral DHB re: Palmerston North
Wellington needs a feasibility report like this completed. We have asked the CCDHB for this to be done and they agreed to do one! - August 2015.
The Ministry of Health Maternity Standards 2011 |
A set of standards to guide the planning, funding and monitoring of maternity services by the Ministry of Health and District Health Boards. We believe that all 3 standards are not being met in the Wellington/Hutt/Wairarapa districts because women have not got a varied choice of where to birth, particularly not for primary birth.
Survey of Wellington-based Midwives - June 2015
95.3% of midwives in the survey answered YES to: "Do you think that the Wellington region needs a home-like, midwifery-led Birth Centre?"
Survey from June 2015 - August 2015 for presentation of the results at our meeting with the CCDHB in Wellington on Tuesday 11th August. Survey asked Wellington-based midwives their thoughts on having a home-like, midwifery-led birth centre in Wellington. Survey now closed. Thank you to those who participated. |
Survey of Consumers
Click on the image below to be taken to the survey for Women and their whanau to complete about their thoughts on having a home-like, midwifery-led Birth Centre in Wellington: