Birth Hub usually meets online on the last Tuesday evening of the month via zoom at 7:30pm
Email [email protected] for info
Investors for the Birth Centre - stakeholder survey below.....
There are investors now coming forward willing to put up the capital expenditure, but we still need the District Health Boards (CCDHB and Hutt) to release the primary birth money (facilities funding) which they are allocated by the Ministry of Health specifically intended for healthy women with straight forward pregnancies. Aside from the evidence showing that Birth Centres offer many health benefits for women and their babies, in the long term Birth Centres also offer massive cost savings to DHBs because primary birthing in Birth Centres or at home is much less expensive to fund.
The Birth Hub is a network of people who believe in promoting physiological birth and so as part of the bigger project to get a Birth Centre for Wellington, individuals within the group are following their passions and in so doing swelling the interest in the Birth Centre for Wellington project. We are involved in other groups, projects and initiatives and so you may be interested in these meetings below:
Ronja has set up Positive Birth Wellington which (from March 2015) now meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month in the afternoon from 3:30pm until 5pm.
Facebook page here.
Facebook page here.
The NZ College of Midwives (NZCoM) Wellington Region meets on the second Tuesday of each month in the Education Centre room at Keneperu Hospital from 7pm until 9pm. Midwives meet and consumer members of NZCoM are welcome to join them.